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How to know if your boss is a narcissist (and what to do)

If your manager consistently dominates meetings, dismisses ideas and is convinced they are always right, you might be dealing with a narcissistic leader.
Associate Professor Amy Ou of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Business School explains how to navigate such managers. 
Here’s an excerpt from the conversation:
Tiffany Ang:
One thing that I’ve noticed is that narcissists tend to be a bit more ambitious, and they tend to be a bit more successful. You see a lot of them in CEO positions, right?
And I think that’s also because capitalism rewards certain of these traits, the “Look at me, look at me. This is what I can do. I can take risks. I can show you the results. I can inspire people” attitude. 
These people make money for the companies at the expense of their workers though, I must add, so in a very weird way, they bring positive things to a company, right? Because they’re more competitive and driven.
Amy Ou: 
I would never state, “Okay, now this is always a bad thing.” In fact, a lot of scholars are actually looking at the bright side of narcissists.
Which is a bit sad too. I feel a bit conflicted, like why are we celebrating that? Then there’s something wrong, right? Because capitalism shouldn’t be rewarding such traits.
I mean, just objective(ly) looking, there are some good parts about it.
They trust in themselves. They trust in the firm. They want to drive everything back, so they make the company bounce back much faster. 
So, there is some kind of possibility that they can bring the positive side out. Even in my own research, what we show is that for a person who had narcissism and humility together, (those) kind of firms are the most innovative.
Gerald Tan:
Tiffany, I think about the label itself – a narcissistic leader, sometimes it does send some connotations, some perceptions. It influences the way we see things. But if we look at the behaviours of, for example, decision-making or assertiveness. Those are also still things that we perceive as good aspect of leaders. 
Particularly during risk and crisis, sometimes people want to have somebody who can assertively save them. 
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